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Roden Sopwith 1 & 1/2 Strutter 2.0

a.k.a. Kit Bundles with the customary Aviattic royal treatment



The Roden kit is in my opinion a very nice and well-priced product. It has its faults like almost any kit, but the real turn-off for me was the rather poor and unimaginative decal options that were included within the kit. You can’t blame Roden. The fact that they can produce anything given what their country of origin is facing is frankly astounding.

Having bought my kit, I started thinking about how I could do something for myself that was a little more exciting decal-wise than what was in the kit. It didn’t take long to realise that going down the Aviattic cookie route would be the most practical method of producing such decals and so after having a few words with my friend Richard Andrews what was initially intended as a one-off project for myself suddenly became a lot bigger. There are eight schemes in total, each set containing three A4 sheets of decals designed to cover almost all of the aircraft There are three RNAS sheets, three RFC sheets and two Belgium Air service sheets. 

The sheets include interior parts. I’ve even created some masks that will allow modellers to spray the interior framework. The sets also include a full set of authentic instrument decals sized to the Roden instrument board. In all cases the decals are based on original photographs wherever possible and as such are as accurate as I can possibly make them. There are some areas where I have had to make some assumptions, or followed somebody else’s assumption but have tried to keep these cases down to a minimum. Where there are uncertainties, I have made every effort to include alternatives.

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Recommended printed references : 

  • A1083 - Cross and Cockade vol 31, no.4
  • 9407 - Cross and Cockade vol 45 no.4 / Vol 43 no.2 (Arvo side profile)
  • 9722 in flight - Naval Aces of WW1 part 1 (Osprey aircraft of the aces no.97)

The photo I line up photo I used for 9722 and 9739 was on the web only. There are profiles of both of these in the same C and C as 9407