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Article: In a nutshell

In a nutshell

In a nutshell

Over the years we often had questions which products one could use to decorate a specific airplane. We understand it is not always easy to figure that out. Nothing is more frustrating than to discover after one has ordered, that it was the wrong choice or the quantity was not appropriate.  In the past we have always tried to answer to many of you by e-mail at best effort, a customer service level Aviattic is known for and something we are proud of.

But now there is a better way.


How it works

You go the Butler Service page. The link is available right from the home page, so you don't have to search through menus.

Good things come in threes.

Step 1

Fill out the form. Specify the aircraft and the scale. Provide us some further context how we can help you. For example, you could indicate a specific scheme you're after. Press send. Allow us a little time to respond. Good things are usually worth waiting for.

If you are registered and logged-in, the form pre-fills your name and e-mail address automatically. It might be worthwhile to sign up as it makes life easier.

If the aircraft is not part of the list, give us some feedback in the message body and we will add it to the dropdown list.

Step 2

You will receive an e-mail with recommendations on the type of products that are relevant for that particular aircraft/scheme. Obviously the recommendations are done at best effort. The recommendations might include several alternatives to choose from.

The e-mail includes a link (or several in case of alternatives) with all the recommended products in the suggested quantities.

Step 3

Click on the link in the e-mail. It will take you right to your shopping bag. Your shopping bag will be pre-filled automatically with all the recommended products in the suggested quantities. From here onwards, you can pick and choose, which products you would like to order.


Shopping made very easy!

Here is the link to Butler Service so you can try it out. Share the love if you feel like it, as you may help others with it.


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